Flower Power Weekend Success!!





AUGUST 14th – 15th

Plus a

Rainbow Dance on the 11th

and a

Farewell Dance on Wednesday 18th

Those who could make it had an absolute Fabulous time

We want to give a HUGE Thank You


Gary Petersen and Matthew Mills

for their fun and challenging calling

We also want to Thank

the Visitors who boosted the numbers and

helped to create such a funtastic time for all

and last but not least

all the wonderful Volunteers who worked behind the scene

So sorry if you were unable to be there

Make sure you can attend the next event.


A COVID19 Management plan has been put in place to aim for maximum safety of all involved.

 All those attending: the golden rule is, if not well, get checked and stay home till cleared.

Wednesday August 11th and Wednesday August 18th are at Dan Dinna House

459 Boat Harbour Drive, Torquay 4655

Check In Qld in both venues